Extract estimated coefficients from a prophet model

# S3 method for fbl_prophet
tidy(x, ...)



An object to be converted into a tidy tibble::tibble().


Additional arguments to tidying method.


A tibble containing the model's estimated parameters.


# \donttest{ if (requireNamespace("tsibbledata")) { library(tsibble) library(dplyr) fit <- tsibbledata::aus_production %>% model( prophet = prophet(Beer ~ season("year", 4, type = "multiplicative")) ) tidy(fit) # coef(fit) or coefficients(fit) can also be used }
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3 #> .model term estimate #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 prophet base_growth 0.136 #> 2 prophet trend_offset 0.121 #> 3 prophet year_s1 -0.173 #> 4 prophet year_c1 -0.00928 #> 5 prophet year_s2 0.194 #> 6 prophet year_c2 -0.108 #> 7 prophet year_s3 0.279 #> 8 prophet year_c3 0.140 #> 9 prophet year_s4 -0.130 #> 10 prophet year_c4 2.46
# }